
Eden to Easter - Sunday


Sunday: Alive again! Halleluiah!

You need

  • Folded white cloth or tissue paper.

  • More daisies from your green space.

  • Favourite worship song.


Read The resurrection from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John or God’s

wonderful surprise from The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Swap Jesus for the folded cloth/paper.

Make your garden beautiful again.

Roll the stone away. Its empty but put Jesus back into the garden, he is alive!!

This is a garden where God made a way for us to come back to him. Play your favourite worship song.

Praise Prayer

Take a ball and throw and catch it. Each time say the name of someone who you want to know Jesus and his love.

Eden to Easter - Saturday

Saturday: Dark and quiet

You need

  • A cave or tomb made from a cup and a stone to cover the opening. Solders, either toy ones or drawn on paper.

  • Things to make a den and a torch.


Read the crucifixion of Jesus or The sun stops shining from The Jesus Storybook bible.

Make a cup cave and put Jesus inside.

Put the stone over the entrance.

Place two soldiers in front.

Jesus was so very brave but remember that he didn’t go away for long. He knew that and he told his friends that he would come back.

Think about how a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and then comes out a butterfly!

Sad Prayers

Make a tent or a den. Cut some paper into tear shapes and inside your den write God some questions. They can be hard ones. Tell God who you are missing being apart from.

Turn on the torch light and remember that Jesus is always with us because he came back to life and promised to never leave us again.

Eden to Easter - Friday

Friday: The sad garden

You need

  • Things to make a Jesus figure and a donkey, or just use a plastic animal! Some bread and wine (juice)

  • Cross made out of twigs or lollipop sticks tied with string.


Read Holy week story from when Jesus arrives at Jerusalem riding on a donkey to the Garden of Gethsemane. or The servant king and A dark night in the Garden from The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Make Jesus and the donkey and ride him across your garden over leaves on the ground.

Jesus ate a special last dinner with his friends. He asked us to do this thing to remember what he was about to do. Place a little bread and some juice in a tiny cup for Jesus.

Jesus was then praying and crying in the garden. He was talking to God about a very hard thing he needed to do and being separated from God.

Make a cross for your garden.

Remember that Jesus died on that cross but came back 2 days later! That’s what we celebrate on Easter Sunday!!


As a family take communion together. See separate instructions for this.

Eden to Easter - Thursday

Thursday: Stay close to Jesus, the gardener

You need

  • Flowers or birds. Make them!

  • Some fruit to grow on a vine. Grapes or raisins or any fruit you may have.


Read the from Matthew 6:25—34 and John 15 1-8, or The Singer from The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Make some flowers or birds for your garden. They don’t worry! Jesus will look after us too.

Pretend that your vine is growing fruit. Jesus is the stalk and we are the branches that grow good fruit. Eat some good fruit.

Name them as Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Jesus is the gardener who grows these in our lives.


Activity. Make a big flower with petals. Write on the middle something you are worried about and tell this to God. Write on the petals some of the ‘fruit’ you want him to help you have more of and ask him for this.

Eden to Easter - Wednesday


Wednesday: Jesus wants us to grow!

You need

Things to make Jesus.

  • Lollipop stick and some paper or cloth. Or make just out of paper!

  • Seeds. If you don’t have any actual seeds then you may have something similar in your kitchen cupboards, eg mustard, cumin, sesame or poppy seeds. Or just tear up little bits of paper.


Read the story of the Sower from Luke 8. I recommend The Lion Bible for Children.
Jesus came and told lots of stories that are full of truth and goodness.

Throw your seeds on a rocky part of your garden, on a thorny part and on some good soil.

Plant some green leaves where the seed would grow (the good soil)

Look at some very small seeds. Remember that Jesus said the smallest seeds can grow into big trees!


We can grow by praying for other people. Write some names of people you want to pray for on paper and stick onto a stick. Plant it into the ground in your garden. Ask for God to grow his love in them too.