Eden to Easter - Friday

Friday: The sad garden

You need

  • Things to make a Jesus figure and a donkey, or just use a plastic animal! Some bread and wine (juice)

  • Cross made out of twigs or lollipop sticks tied with string.


Read Holy week story from when Jesus arrives at Jerusalem riding on a donkey to the Garden of Gethsemane. or The servant king and A dark night in the Garden from The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Make Jesus and the donkey and ride him across your garden over leaves on the ground.

Jesus ate a special last dinner with his friends. He asked us to do this thing to remember what he was about to do. Place a little bread and some juice in a tiny cup for Jesus.

Jesus was then praying and crying in the garden. He was talking to God about a very hard thing he needed to do and being separated from God.

Make a cross for your garden.

Remember that Jesus died on that cross but came back 2 days later! That’s what we celebrate on Easter Sunday!!


As a family take communion together. See separate instructions for this.