Eden to Easter - Saturday

Saturday: Dark and quiet

You need

  • A cave or tomb made from a cup and a stone to cover the opening. Solders, either toy ones or drawn on paper.

  • Things to make a den and a torch.


Read the crucifixion of Jesus or The sun stops shining from The Jesus Storybook bible.

Make a cup cave and put Jesus inside.

Put the stone over the entrance.

Place two soldiers in front.

Jesus was so very brave but remember that he didn’t go away for long. He knew that and he told his friends that he would come back.

Think about how a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and then comes out a butterfly!

Sad Prayers

Make a tent or a den. Cut some paper into tear shapes and inside your den write God some questions. They can be hard ones. Tell God who you are missing being apart from.

Turn on the torch light and remember that Jesus is always with us because he came back to life and promised to never leave us again.