Eden to Easter - Monday

Monday: Paradise and the snake!

Before you start. Do as much or as little of this as you would like to. The activities are just suggestions. Do talk to your children as you go along, especially over Good Friday to Easter Sunday or as issues or questions crop up.

You need

  • Container/cereal box lined with foil.

  • Things from your outside space to make a beautiful garden of Eden, including a tree.

  • Fruit.

  • Something to make Adam and Eve and a snake. Playdough/plasticine/paper or Lego figures.



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Read the story of creation and the fall from a bible. I recommend the Jesus Storybook Bible.

Make your garden as beautiful as you can. You can add animals and birds if you like.

Make Adam and Eve with no clothes on!! And put them in the garden. Remember that God is with them and they love to chat every day.

Make the snake. He is bad! Eat some fruit and remember that that’s the mistake Adam and Eve made.

Hide them from God and dress them with leaves.


Praise Prayer

Write on a leaf with a sharpie something that you love most about what he created. Put it in your garden and thank God for it.