This morning, Craig finishes our morning series: Lost and Found - A Study of Luke. His subject is “Helping Those Who Are Lost".
Lost and Found: Wrong Turns
This morning, Matt continues our morning series: Lost and Found - A Study of Luke. His subject is “Wrong Turns". Matt looks at the Emmaus Road story and encourages us to be surprised by Jesus this Easter.
Lost and Found: Keep Looking Ahead
This morning, Kath continues our morning series: Lost and Found - A Study of Luke. Her subject is “Keep Looking Ahead" (Luke 23:26-43).
Lost and Found: Point the Way
This morning, Clair continues our morning series: Lost and Found - A Study of Luke. Her subject is “Point the Way”.
Lost and Found: Don't Get Lost Again
This morning, Dave continues our morning series: Lost and Found - A Study of Luke. His subject is "Don’t Get Lost Again!".
Lost and Found: Hope for All
This morning, Sally continues our morning series: Lost and Found - A Study of Luke. Her subject is "Hope for All".
Lost and Found: Help is Coming
This morning, Dave Roderick begins our new morning series: Lost and Found - A Study of Luke. His subject is "Help is Coming".