Saturday: Word For The Day

Saturday 16th January

Prayer Week

Worship, the coming together of souls, the place where we meet, where anything seems possible. I have put the spirit of worship in the heart of man, a place of connection that goes beyond understanding. A place where your soul sings, where you see me, where anything is possible. A place that recharges and recreates, where you can see beyond your current circumstances and catch a glimpse of my character, of my love, and possibilities in my spirit.

But then you disconnect, you go back to your world, you take your eyes off me and you forget. What if you could remain in that place, take me with you and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? I created you for a lifestyle of worship, you don’t need to come and go, I am always with you, I never leave you. My love and my presence are always available for you. Worship is looking at me and letting your heart respond.

In a time where we are not meeting corporately how can we keep our gaze fixed on Jesus? How can we engage with worship without church as we know it? What we focus on increases in our hearts and minds. The Bible says Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. We worship him not because he needs it but because we are spiritual beings, we need him. When we see him we see the way forward, the truth in our circumstances and the life he has for us and with us.

God knows what we need, we need the rock that is higher than I. He is awesome, powerful, wonderful, he is our creator, the one who flung stars into space and defeated the evil one, he is our father and our friend. When we struggle give him Glory, when we weep give him Glory, when we laugh give him Glory, when we work give him Glory. There is always more to be found in him, strength, hope, joy, a future, things that are beyond ourselves. There is always more in Jesus, look to him and worship him and you will find the more. Keep looking back to him, find ways to fix your eyes on him, find your way to worship.

Heavenly Father thank you for giving us worship, in this season please reveal to me how I can worship, how I can connect with you, I choose to worship you despite my circumstances. Amen

John 14:6

“Jesus answered I am the way the truth and the life”

Psalm 61:2+3

“I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe”

1 Chronicles 16:29+30

“Worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness....let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad, let them say amount the nations “ The Lord reigns””