DEVOtional - Day One


Verse Mapping

Verse mapping is a great way to find out more about a verse by focusing in on the words used and what they really mean. This technique might work well for you if you find yourself struggling to read the Bible because of the language it’s often written in. This method works best if you focus in on one verse from the Psalm.

1. Compare Versions

Look up the verse in 2-4 different translations of the Bible. Notice any words that are significantly different - does this change the meaning? Why might they be different?

2. Cross-Reference

Look up where there are related passages to your verse elsewhere in the Bible. Consider how the words are used in the different contexts, does this tell you anything new about the verse?

3. Apply the verse

What does this verse mean for your life? Is God saying something specific to you through it?

4. Pray about it


Abbie reflects on using verse mapping

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