New Here?

On Sunday mornings you will find us at the Greenway Centre on Doncaster Road in Southmead as we gather for our service at 10:30am. It is a lively mix of worship, teaching and prayer. Before the service there is a chance to connect over coffee with others from our congregation.

At this service we have a number of groups that are committed to helping our children and young people discover more about Jesus and help them as they seek to follow Him. We do this through a blend of teaching, activities and lots of fun! 


Our Sunday Children’s and Youth groups:

Stars for ages 1-4

Sparks for ages 4-8

(reception to year 3)

Glow for ages 8-11

(year 4 to year 6)

Devotion for ages 11+

(year 7 upwards)


Parents: What to expect with children’s groups


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Whatever you are comfortable in.

  • Our welcome team can answer any questions and show you around before the service. During the service, the host from the front will clearly explain what is happening. It’s all very friendly and informal.

  • Normally our service begins with a welcome from the host at the front, followed by some songs (worship), and a few notices. Then we invite the children to go out to their groups. while those In the main hall enjoy a Bible-based message delivered by one of our team, followed by a bit more worship and an opportunity for prayer if individuals want.

    Our services run from 10:30am-12pm

  • We have a live band and singers at the front. The lyrics will appear on a large screen, so you can sing along if you would like to.

  • This is a talk with a message, based on Bible passages. We have a series so that over several weeks or a month, we work through interesting relevant topics. You can check out our recent talks here

Our Story So Far

Our story started back in 1983

Rob and Pam Scott Cook started Highgrove Church in Sea Mills. The growth of that church and a desire to reach the communities of Henleaze and Westbury led us to plant ‘Henleaze and Westbury Community Church in 1993.

Over the following two years this new church grew to the point where we were able to plant a third church, Woodlands, in Clifton.

Then in 2008, again as a result of growth, what was Henleaze and Westbury Community Church moved to our current home at the Greenway Centre in Southmead and became ‘The Community Church’. These three sister churches remain linked to this day, as the Woodlands Group of Churches.

In 2015 we started a new church plant in Brentry and Henbury called Branch Community Church.

Today the Woodlands Church Family has congregations in 6 geographical sites across the City, including Metro in the City Centre and Southside in Bedminster. What started with just a handful of people in 1983 has grown dramatically. To find out more about the common vision of our group of churches click here.


The Team

Dave and Marion lead the Community Church with the congregational leadership team below.

But we are a church where everyone gets stuck in! If you would like help finding your place and your role in church life, do get in touch with us - we’d love to help!


Dave Roderick

Leader at The Community Church Greenway


Marion Roderick

Leader at The Community Church Greenway

Jake Steell

Youth Leader


Kath Speers

Children and Families Worker

Hannah Hedinger

Administrator and Buildings

Matt Doherty

Congregational Leader


Jo Sunderland

Congregational Leader


Pete Mansfield

Congregational Leader


Craig Speers

Congregational Leader


Clair Hamilton

Congregational Leader


Sally Tate

Congregational Leader



"Continually Reproducing the Life of Jesus"

Across our group of churches we share this common vision which broken down into four goals


#1 Commitment

We want to help unchurched people become committed Christians and part of the worship of the Church

#2 Discipleship

We want to disciple each member in an atmosphere of love, prayer and Bible teaching to follow and become like Jesus


#3 Service

We want to release every member into ministry and mission in the power of the Holy Spirit, with opportunities to discover and fruitfully use each one’s gifts

#4 Unity

We want to build together in unity with other churches to reach the whole city and region with the gospel, to be salt and light in the city and to bless the nations, especially the poorest